Plants & Flowers IMG_8124 IMG_6521 IMG_6523 IMG_8119 Reaching for the afternoon sun IMG_7436-Edit Prayer Plant in Bloom 3 Prayer Plant in Bloom 2 Prayer Plant in Bloom 1 IMG_4731 IMG_4720 IMG_4717 IMG_4708 IMG_4707 Shasta DaisyObviously a meticulous gardener works here. Last week the sign read… Shasta Daisies 😉 IMG_4179 IMG_9423 IMG_9401 IMG_9414 IMG_9373 DSC00402 _MG_4901 _MG_4886 _MG_4851 _MG_4849 _MG_4843 _MG_4831 _MG_4820 _MG_4793 _MG_4780 _MG_4779 _MG_4777 _MG_4775 _MG_4771 _MG_4768 _MG_4763 _MG_4762 _MG_4760 _MG_4757 _MG_4755 _MG_4231 IMG_4243 IMG_4185